Shadowlake: Alternative Housing Near SUUSI

This year at SUUSI I took the workshop that had us go out to see an interesting new way of living, cohousing. The best way I have of describing this, after I saw it, was that it is a hybrid of the way we usually live and SUUSI, like importing SUUSI into our ordinary lives. Like SUUSI, this is an intentional community. There is a central meeting house (upper left), where meals are served; however you can eat if you want at your house. The inside of this house features a meeting room where you can eat meals prepared by people who live in the community (upper right). Much of the food for these meals comes from gardens grown by the inhabitants of the community (lower right). People live in their individual houses, but instead of an automobile road between their houses, there is a walkway (lower left). In case you find this a little too close living, you can find your own solace in your house, or out in the woods, which are part of the community (lower center). All this was explained by Molly Lazar (upper center) when we visited their meeting house, in a Power Point presentation. It is an interesting concept, and well worth considering as a living alternative. The people feel more akin to each other than ordinary neighbors on a street, and I feel that this community will be more prepared for Peak Oil than most other places are.