Bugs and Ducks

I tried a new hike or trip this year: "What's Bugging You?". This is a trip where we go out somewhere and catch insects and identify them. They gave us each nets and had us chase down the bugs. It turned out this place we went to was none other than the Virginia Tech Duck Pond. I caught a skimmer dragonfly (lower left) and took this picture of it. I then gave the fly its freedom. But as much of an attraction on this trip were the ducks. There were several ducks, including two families; one of these is at lower right. Someone threw food in the pond, and this caused every duck on or near the pond from all directions to head straight for the food, even to the point of taking to flight briefly to get there quacker, no, I mean quicker. And it was on this hike that I found the Simple Flower of this year's Simple Gifts SUUSI, the day lily in the upper right corner.