SUUSI Wonderland 2011

Spare Time

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Colliding worlds, stars shining free
Ran 500 miles a long way out
So rested he by SUUSI tree
and stood a while in thought.

So our Wanderer went to bed. The next morning, he got up, went to breakfast, and was greeted by the SUUSIBoyz singing "Coffee Coffee Coffee" (upper right - click for the greeting). Lots of coffee, but no La Bamba. He had seem some stars in the sky last night, but none seemed to guide him to La Bamba. He led David Roth's class in singing "500 Miles", then went to lunch, where a power outage was on the menu. Still no La Bamba either, but he did find Love Shack in the community area in front of Ingles (¿Hablas Inglés?). So he sat by the SUUSI tree (lower right, from 1999) in the Big Quad and stood a while there, thinking of what to do next. He thought he might go to a planetarium show on campus, although there is no constellation La Bamba. But he decided to go to theme talks next.

Spare Time